Friday, December 2, 2011

It's been a bit

Sorry I haven't posted in a bit. I know I know I keep saying that and promising more frequent updates but I never deliver . I hope you all forgive me . I hope every one had a good Halloween and Thanksgiving and are getting ready for Christmas . We have our tree up and some decorations out . I got a Santa Yoda .

My friend Kyle sent me a picture of an apartment that has a strange dark image in the upper left window . He told me that there is no one that looks like that image in that apartment . It looks pretty interesting so I am sharing it .

I also found this interesting story of a Vietnamese woman who ages 50 years in a couple days .

There was also this really neat sighting of some strange floating lights over Scottsdale Arizona .

And of course we have some quotes !

 " he barrowed 12 $100 from her " - lady on Judge Alex

Somewhere something incredible is waiting to be known - Carl Sagan

" hospitals are places of healing not violence " - Man on the news

kitchen language translated. "behind you" = "get the fuck out of my way" "behind you, hot" = "I will fucking burn you if you don't move. Now" -Chef Shauna Fish Lydon

Why should we care if you are stupid? - Chef Fabio Viviani

Until Next Time Sausages For Sunday ! 

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