Friday, July 2, 2010

June Monthly quotes and other things

Yes I know I am kinda late but better late then never so for now on with the quotes !

" i want you to come with me we and will rule the other planet " guy on next food network star

" I'm not talking right no because I got lips " guy on Jerry Springer

" He's got a bunch of kids what he needs is to get circumcised " lady on Jerry Springer

" You think you're higher then mighty !" Liz from true beauty

" I don't know what a focus group is but I have heard of an AA meeting " a lady on true beauty

" I take and take so many you can take and how much you can take you know ? " Salvitore on Hells Kitchen

" Jinx ..J-E-N-K-S " a contestant on lingo

" He does a lot of exploding in his shop " contestant on cupcake wars

Host :"Battle Ship , Scrabble, or Trivial Pursuit .Which colorful board game was first made in Canada in 1979 ?"
Contestant :" Pamela Anderson ?" - GSN Live

Plus I got some vacation pics
And some videos from Medieval Times
Sorry about the bold and underline thing I did it by accident and can't seem to undo it .

So Until Next Time ..... 10 foot ocean swells!

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